Gran Final del "Spelling Bee"
Mª Victoria Barra S.
28 Octubre 2011
Leido 935 veces
El día jueves 27 de octubre se desarrolló la gran final del concurso de deletreo de los niños y niñas de 1º Básico. Además de las pruebas propias del concurso, la ceremonia incluyó presentaciones musicales de los compañeros y compañeras de la Sección Inicial. Todo fue en inglés, por lo tanto, esta noticia sigue la misma línea.
The spelling is a competition where contestants, usually children, are asked to spell English words. “Bee” is a term meaning gathering. They were first called spelling matches, but since they are a social gathering, they became spelling bees.

The Spelling Bee started with a prayer to thank God for all Hiss blessings, leaded by children from class B and D. As every morning at the school, they started with the sentence: “In the name of the father, of the son, and the holy spirit”, followed by The Lord’s prayer and Hail Mary.

Contestants from each class were selected during classroom competitions to compete in this school spelling bee. The audience gave a warm welcome to the finalists from each class. For this final round, we have invited very special judges: Mr. Giovanni Rojas (Teacher of the English Department at our school), Viviana Álvarez (teacher of English at Instituto O’Higgins Rancagua and volunteer at the AFS Intercultural Program), Dave Hannigraaff (English speaking volunteer at the Ministerio de Educación) and Marion McGowan (teacher from Dublin, Ireland).

The ceremony continued with the presentation of a group of kids from Pre Kinder who performed the poem “Teddy Bear Rhyme”. Then the judges asked to spell three words to the contestants, divided in two groups.

Music, songs and games are an important part of the English class. A group of students from Kinder A, B, C and D performed the song “I’m a super hero”. Also, children from class 1A prepared a very lively song that made everybody sing and dance: “Numbers Conga”.

The Principal of our school, Brother Jesús Triguero, congratulated each child for their effort and gave to the contestants and the performers a very special price.

Finally, every boy and girl received a gold medal and a bag full of surprises for their participation. Their families were really satisfied for the level achieved by their children in this foreign language.

The ceremony ended with a great surprise. In great effort of a huge production, we have brought back to life to the great John Lenon: the student Vicente Leiva sang "Don't let me down". But his performance was such a success, that he also sang "Hello Goodbye", after the audience request.

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